It Takes Just A Minute To Schedule Your Free Home Cleanup! Call 917-881-5613
It Takes Just A Minute To Schedule Your Free Home Cleanup! Call 917-881-5613
Trusted by Real Estate professionals and estate lawyers to clean your home out to broom swept status while protecting your valuables, family heirlooms and precious items. All for free. No bait and switch, no gimmicks. Just honest, considerate and thoughtful service.
We are experts at determining how much effort and labor will be involved in bringing your home back to a livable space. We spend 5 minutes with you and can tell you immediately if we can do the work for free. No games. No expensive proposals. Very simply, we separate the clothes from the trash, from the books and furniture and what is left allows us to pay for the labor, dumpsters and other needs to cleanup and clean-out your home for free. Broom swept if needed.
We've been there. Our staff gets how hard it is to go from keeping tons of stuff, to having to let it go. We are sensitive, respectful and considerate. We did it for our own parents and we work with the family to minimize the trauma of the event, making many life-long friends in the process.
Having lived through the experience of clearing out family members homes and dealing with the difficulties, we specifically set aside any items such as family pictures, specific valuables and other items the family wants to keep. We make the extra effort to give any items that would be important back to the family as we empty the home and we put it in writing!
There are so many ways to do the right thing, but most charities these days make it almost impossible to donate furniture, clothing, housewares, even paint and gardening items. We know who to work with to get these items into the right hands.
Find out why we have been told that we are "angels" and our clients are in "awe"
We are prepared for everything. We've worked in homes where plaster was collapsing on our heads,or they had flooded basements. Floors were gone, rooms had caved into other floors. The physical difficulties cleaning out a hoarded home pales in comparison with waste that may be animal or human. Insects, vermin and other creatures are often part of the cleanout and we deal with them as well. So no, we aren't squeamish.
We also remove and dispose of paints and other chemicals that are often found in homes. We know where to bring them for safe disposal, unlike some clutter or cleanup companies that dump them wherever they can to save money on fees!
In many instances, we are contacted by family members, estate sales organizations, real estate agents and others who are charged with helping a member of the family or friend move on from decades of living in one place. Many of us collect mountains of stuff over the years and we help cut through the time, effort and difficulty of making the move, not to mention saving thousands that others are all too happy to charge in just throwing things out. We hate that! As we give as much to charity organizations as we can and you don't have to deal with the headaches of scheduling pick-ups that don't show up, won't take items, need pictures, descriptions and other information before committing to a pick-up, or just plain to busy to accommodate you.
It is a lot of work to clean-out a stuffed, cluttered or hoarded home. We know and that is why we are THE ideal resource for real estate professionals, estate attorneys and those dealing with a home that needs to be cleaned out for an estate or garage / tag sale or moving in of a client. We understand "broom swept" status, we are trained to identify any major issues such as cracked foundations, leaks (we hate water damage as much as anyone), mold, infestations or other "inconveniences". We want our clients to be as successful as possible and that means a clean, presentable house. Old curtains come down, appliances are cleaned as well. Ask us how to help you get the home you are charged with selling to optimal status.